/ What is Right Sizing with Heavy Machinery? Why is it Important?

What is Right Sizing with Heavy Machinery? Why is it Important?

Right sizing is key to successful and cost-efficient operations. If you purchase or rent a machine that is too small for the job, you are likely to encounter difficulty completing the task.

Finding and procuring heavy equipment and machinery continues to be a challenge for many industries. Supply chain issues and rising costs aren’t going away, making it difficult for many operators to find and purchase the right equipment for their needs.

These challenges make it more important than ever to be sure you are buying the right size equipment for your needs – a practice referred to as right sizing.


What is right-sizing?

When it comes to heavy equipment or machinery, right sizing is essentially the process of procuring the right piece of equipment for the job, rather than grabbing something larger than needed, or settling for a smaller machine than the application demands. It may seem like common sense, but far too often operations are faced with choosing a machine that isn’t the right size based on availability, cost or necessity.

Right sizing is key to successful and cost-efficient operations. If you purchase or rent a machine that is too small for the job, you are likely to encounter difficulty completing the task. At best, the job will take far longer than it should, which eats into your schedule and profits.

On the flip side of the coin, if you get a machine that’s too large for the application, you may run into access issues, or have trouble moving the machine easily around the job site. You may get the job done – and quickly – but the inconvenience and extra expense of an unnecessarily large machine may not be worth it.


Why is right-sizing important?

Right sizing of equipment and heavy machinery offers many benefits, including:

  • Efficiency gains: As we mentioned before, efficiency can be impacted, either negatively or positively, by the size of machine you choose. Selecting the right sized machine for your job can help you get the job done faster and more fuel efficiently. This leads to more jobs complete and more profit.
  • Cost-savings: Purchasing or renting a machine that is too big for your job can cost extra, while using a machine that is too small may result in additional fuel and maintenance expenses. Choosing the right machine can help save money, both upfront and in the long run.
  • Safety: Tasking a machine with a job it isn’t designed for can be dangerous for the operator and others on the job site. Making sure you have the right equipment for every job can help keep your crew and bystanders safe.
  • Machine compatibility: Many projects require multiple machines, and making sure that the machines work with each other efficiently is important. This is especially true when moving material. Pairing an excavator with trucks that are too big – as well as too many or too few properly sized trucks – can grind production to a halt. Utilizing an excavator and the proper number of right-sized trucks maximizes productivity throughout a project.


Important factors to consider

Deciding between a lease or rental isn’t always easy as they both offer pros and cons and are each great alternatives to being without a critical piece of equipment in this chaotic market. There are some factors to consider when weighing your options.

First, consider the length of your needs. If you need a machine for a big job, a lease may be better. If you expect to use the equipment for smaller jobs, or more sporadically, rental agreements may be better.

Cost is another important factor. Rentals will likely cost you more per day but come with a reduced commitment. Leases are more affordable per day, but may include some other costs, including expenses for early return of the equipment or for hours used in excess of the lease’s limit.

Maintenance is another factor to consider. In a short-term rental, you may not be required to perform preventive or routine maintenance. During a lease, you will likely be required to perform maintenance on the equipment as though you owned it.

Insurance should also be considered. When leasing, you will likely be responsible for insuring the equipment against damage or theft. When renting, you may not have to carry this coverage on your own. However, the cost of this coverage may be included in the rental expense.


How can you choose the right equipment?

Selecting the right machine for your unique application isn’t always easy. There are many factors to consider, including:

  • Project scope and size: The size and tasks involved in your projects directly impacts the type of machinery you should choose. If you regularly tackle small to mid-sized jobs, a large piece of machinery may not be tie right fit. Conversely, if you only take on large jobs, a smaller machine may quickly become overwhelmed. Take stock of your average job, but make sure to plan for the future growth of your business.
  • Job site conditions and accessibility: If you often work on job sites with limited access or rough terrain, you want to select the equipment that fits that application. Attempting to bring a large machine into a busy city or quiet residential neighborhood likely won’t work.
  • Specialty requirements: Some jobs require equipment that is specially made for the task – tackling these jobs without the proper capabilities will lead to frustration and dangerous working conditions. In some cases, you may be able to tackle specialized jobs with equipment attachments, but it is important to find a machine that is compatible with such an attachment if one is required.
  • Operator and maintenance staff: The larger the machine, the more it may cost to operate and maintain – and the more important it is to hire the right people for those critical jobs. When shopping for a heavy equipment, be sure to consider the staff required to operate and maintain it, and budget for those costs.

With so many factors to consider, it can be helpful to consult an expert for help selecting the right equipment for your job.


RMS is here to help

Identifying the right sized machine for your job isn’t always easy. Nor is finding and producing the machine once you know what you need. Our experts at RMS are here to provide the experienced insight you need to identify the machine for your job.

We’re focused on helping you get exactly what you need and will never encourage you to purchase a machine that doesn’t fit your exacting needs or budget. From machine capabilities to maintenance requirements, we provide the comprehensive insight you need to make informed choices on your heavy equipment and machinery purchase or rental.



A message from Vice President of Sales and Marketing Andy Schwandt: 

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